Data Security Fabric – Data Gateway

Szkolenie w teorii oraz w praktyce omawia aspekty związane z wdrażaniem oraz utrzymaniem systemów SecureSphere służących do ochrony oraz monitoringu środowisk baz danych. Podczas kursu uczestnicy nauczą się wykonywać zadania takie jak: klasyfikacja informacji w bazach danych, testy podatności, wykonywanie ataków na serwerach laboratoryjnych, definiowanie reguł Database Activity Monitoring czy też blokowanie incydentów dzięki systemowi Database Firewall.
Data Security Fabric – Data Gateway
2 300,0
Data Security Fabric – Data Gateway przygotowuje dodatkowo uczestników do egzaminu Imperva DataSecurity Certification IDSC).
Grupa docelowa: Administratorzy baz danych oraz sieci, osoby odpowiedzialne za bezpieczeństwo informacji oraz realizacje wymagań regulacji, a także inne osoby odpowiedzialne za proces wdrażania oraz utrzymania rozwiązań Imperva SecureSphere. Wymagania wstępne: Ogólna wiedza dotycząca sieci oraz bezpieczeństwa teleinformatycznego, w tym technologii Ethernet, TCP/IP oraz pojęć związanych z protokołem SQL.
10:00 - 17:00
Lesson 1: Course Introduction • Become familiar with the presentation of the training materials • Learn to use the Imperva training portal to find supplemental course materials Lesson 2: Imperva Database Security Introduction • Relate the purpose of DBS and how it functions • Recognize DBS components and various implementation network architectures • Describe how data flows and is handled by DBS • List the software and hardware requirements of DBS • Relate key features of DBS and their benefits
9:00 - 17:00
Lesson 3: DBS Web UI Navigation • Log into your lab environment and start VMs • Relate the lap topology and purpose of each component • Login to the Imperva DBS Web UI • Navigate the various Imperva DBS UI workspaces and explain the purpose • Create a Service and default Application • Discover and secure previously unknown servers on the network • Add discovered servers to a Site Lesson 4: Initial DBS Security Configuration • Explain Site Tree navigation and hierarchy • Validate Site Tree configuration and objects • Navigate the Agent Workbench and configuration views • Configure a Default DB connection • Test the Default DB connection Lesson 5: Database Data Classification Scans • Explain the need for Data Classification scans • Relate how sensitive data is found and classified • Create a Scan Profile • Create and run a Data Classification scan
9:00 - 17:00
Lesson 6: Database Security Policies • Describe the purpose a security policy • Locate and identify pre-defined and default security policies • Identify various security policy types • Deconstruct security policies and explain how they function • Modify security policies Lesson 7: Database Profiling • Describe the purpose of a database profile and an application’s profile policy • Explain dynamic profiling • Specify the various profile modes • Create a User Group profile Lesson 8: Database Auditing • Describe the purpose of Auditing and how it is used • Work with Audit views and filters • Identify components of Audit policies • Create and Audit Policy • Analyze Audit Data • Create an Audit Report
9:00 - 17:00
Lesson 9: Troubleshooting • Follow instructions on how to gather data for escalation to Imperva support organization • Relate the methodology for troubleshooting Imperva products • Complete troubleshooting scenarios Lesson 10: Capstone Lab Exercise The Capstone Exercise challenges students to perform a series of tasks designed to help students reinforce learning by recalling and applying the concepts and skills presented during the class.
Imperva Data Security Certification (IDSC)