Legal Reservations

CLICO sp. z o.o. seated in Cracow (hereinafter referred to as CLICO) hereby informs that CLICO marking is a legally protected trademark registered in the Polish Patent Office under the designation number R - 77915. Other markings present on the website are registered trademarks of their respective owners, and they are used by CLICO with their knowledge and consent. Any use of the registered trademark requires approval from the holder of the registration. Breach of the registration provisions is subject to liability for damages.

We hereby inform that the layout and content of the website is subject to copyright of CLICO. Unlawful use of the website and its content is subject to liability for damages.

Data provided on the website does not constitute an offer as per art. 66 ff. of the Civil Code, but an invitation for transaction (art. 71 of the Civil Code). Any statements made by CLICO – making an offer, accepting an offer, providing guarantees or other claims – need to be made in writing, as otherwise they are null and void.